Our most popular type is the round red tomato. As always, we have a number of different varieties of this sort.
Carmello is a French market tomato that is consistently popular due to it's balanced flavor and crack resistance. The tomatoes are about 10 oz. This one was a request from a few years ago and we continue to grow it. Picture from Territorial Seeds.

Cosmonaut Volkov is actually an heirloom Ukrainian variety. It was given it's current name after a crew of cosmonauts perished upon re-entry in 1971. One of them, Vladislav Volkov, was a friend and co-worker of an engineer who named the variety in his honor. It's a tasty, 8 - 12 oz tomato that tolerates cooler weather better than most. Picture from Heritage Harvest Seeds.

Big Beef is the quintessential red hybrid. It's vigorous and produces uniform red, globe shaped tomatoes. Good yields and healthy plants. Picture from Harris Seeds.

Giant Belgium is a actually considered a pink variety because the skin is clear rather than yellow. It's a large, sweet tomato that manages to be both meaty and juicy at the same time. An excellent variety. Picture from TomatoFest.

Fourth of July is a an early, medium-small tomato. The plant is short, making it ideal for containers. As the name implies, it can sometimes produce by the fourth of July. Picture from Plant Addicts.

Brandy Boy is a hybrid descendant of Brandywine. Brandy Boy has less cracking and better production but still maintains excellent flavor. Picture from Burpee Seeds.

Siberian Pink Honey (aka Pink Honey and Rozovyi Myod) is an early pink oxheart. It's meaty, like all oxhearts, and tasty. The leaves can be quite wispy, as is typical for many oxhearts, but the fruit are large and sweet. Picture from Ohio Heirloom Seeds.

Husky Red is a short, sturdy hybrid that does well in containers. Not to be confused with Husky Red Cherry, this plant produces 5 to 7 oz fruit. Reliably productive. Picture from Harris Seeds.

More to come in Part II of the red varieties.
Warner's Produce
45146 Duck Rd
Montrose, South Dakota 57048
(605) 251-2512